The Structure of a Successful Homepage

I know. You know. We all know we need a website. But how do you build a website that actually works? Great Question! Let’s work through the answer.

Your potential client is moving through 3 stages of a relationship with you. Curiosity. Enlightenment. Commitment. Understanding where your website lands in these stages though is so important. Why? Because it determines the purpose of your website.

Your website truly becomes relevant in the Enlightenment Stage and continues to be relevant through the Commitment Stage. In this blog, we’re going to talk specifically about your homepage. We see it so often, the missed opportunities with a homepage. But it doesn’t have to be this way! We’re going to guide you through the necessary sections of a successful homepage.

Moving to the Enlightenment Stage

Before we get into the exact structure we need to think through exactly where your potential client is at in their journey with you when they visit your website. So maybe they’ve seen a social post from you? Maybe an ad? Maybe someone referred them to you? Maybe you gave them your business card? Maybe they searched for a keyword on Google and you came up? As you can see there are so many ways your potential client can make their way to your website. But whatever it is, they experienced something that made them curious enough to want to learn more about you. So where do they go? Your website!

Now what a lot of websites do is they use cute and clever language (that doesn’t really communicate anything) and then throw up their services with a nice “learn more” button. For those that do this, they are losing such valuable time with a potential client! As I mentioned earlier, your potential client is in the Curiosity Stage and is moving into the Enlightenment Stage. When they’re moving into this stage they have 3 main questions in their mind that need to be answered in less than 3 seconds.

The 3 questions are

  • What exactly do you offer?
  • How does it make my life better?
  • How do I get it?

When these 3 questions are answered they either do the deeper dive and continue through the Enlightenment Stage moving into the Commitment Stage OR they leave. Here is the thing: if they leave, we want to make sure they’re leaving because what you offer isn’t what they’re looking for. The last thing we want them to do is to leave because they were confused and didn’t know exactly what you do, how it makes their life better, and how they get it.

One last thing.

79% of users scan a new web page. This means being strategic with your homepage sections and what exactly is included is SO IMPORTANT!

Let’s dive into it:

01 // Your Header

Your header includes everything above the fold. This means everything that loads initially on your user’s computer (without them having to do any scrolling). Here is exactly what should be put on your header:

  • Navbar including your logo, your direct call to action, a dropdown menu with other important links
  • A clear and concise statement explaining exactly what you offer
  • A subheader providing more detail (if necessary)
  • 3 small points that describe the success they will feel once they experience your service
02 // The Problem Defined

In this section, you will define the exact problem you solve for your client. Explain how you understand what they are going through and how you are going to help them solve this problem. You can also use stats in this section to help support the problem you are discussing.

03 // The Feature Section

In this section, you will explain 3-5 features of your service. What are tangible benefits or deliverables they will receive? If you offer multiple services this section can have more umbrella features. Use our homepage as an example - the section title “Your journey with us” is our Feature Section.

04 // Testimonials  

In this section, you will list 3-5 testimonials. These can be sprinkled throughout the site, but have a section dedicated to this on your homepage. Ensure these testimonials speak to the problem you solve and how your client felt after the problem was solved.

05 // The Plan

In this section, you are going to write a 3-4 step plan on what it looks like to do business with you. What does your client need to do for them to become a client? Here is why we have this section. In your potential client’s mind taking a chance on you is a risk. But you’re here to enlighten them about you and your service(s) and make that sense of risk subside. Donald Miller from Business Made Simple has the best example for this:

Think about the problem your client is facing as a rushing river. You're on the other side of this rushing river telling them you have the answer. They’re nervous. They’re unsure. I mean look at this rushing river! Now imagine, you as the guide pointing out 3 rocks in this raging river. You show your potential client just step on that rock, that rock, then that rock, then you’ll have made it across. How much easier is it for your potential client to now cross that river?

This is the point of the plan section. We want to ease the sense of risk and point out the steps they need to take to do business with you.

Now you may have 128 steps between the introduction and then actually finishing the project. We’re not here to overwhelm your potential client. So dwindle it down to 3-4 steps.

06 // Your Explanatory Paragraph

Okay, this section is where you can explain everything (to an extent). Some people will come to your website that does read everything. People that feel reading ALL the details is doing their due diligence on you and your services. SO we want to have a section just for them :) This is also where we can get some keywords for SEO purposes.

A great way to write this section is to start with the transformation your potential client is going to see working with you. Talk about the things they want and then the problem that gets in the way of what they want. Discuss how you understand the problem and how you started your company to solve this problem (show empathy). Discuss how you have the authority to solve this problem because of degrees, certifications, years of experience, partners, etc. Reiterate the plan they should follow to do business with you (the same plan you have listed in your plan section). Tell them to get started with this plan they need to take your Direct Call To Action (the action that is on each of your Call to Action buttons). End the paragraph with what life looks like if they don’t move forward with your service and then what it looks like to move through your service successfully.

Check out the section titled “Why Choose Luveaux and Co” on my agency's homepage to read an example of this.

07 // Final Remarks

Occasionally you may want to have a final remarks section that is a 1-2 sentence summary of what you are offering with a final call to action button

08 // Your Lead Magnet

The last section is your lead magnet. This is where you place your lead magnet title, a 1-2 sentence description of it, the form to download it, and an image of the lead magnet. Your lead magnet on your homepage should be based on the main objection a potential client could have to your service. If they are interested in working with you but are not ready yet to move into the Commitment Stage, this allows them to learn more about your service/work through an objection.

The benefit to this is now you have the email address of a potential client who is interested in your service. From here you can begin a nurture email campaign that then turns into a sales campaign, slowly onboarding them into committing to you and your service. This though is a lesson for another blog.

09 // Your Footer

The last section is your footer section. This is where all your links live. We don’t want to crowd your navbar with a bunch of links. Use your footer as your go-to place for people that need more in-depth links.

Additional Sections:

Some additional sections you can include on your homepage, but aren’t necessary are the sections below:

  • Featured in, clients, partners logo section
  • A list of your services that link out to their specific service pages
  • “Certified In” logo section

Building a strategic homepage takes work! But when it's built with the necessary sections in mind, your conversions will go up! Why? Because you are meeting your potential clients where they are at in their relationship with you.